Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is Your Bicycle Registered?

 Lots of people in Uptown Greensboro ride bicycles but are you aware that according to North Carolina State Law: A bicycle is a vehicle, must be registered and display a registration sticker?

All traffic laws apply to bicyclists:
Ride in same direction as other traffic.
Stop at red lights and stop signs.
Helmet required if under 16.
Ride as close to the right-hand edge as practical, except when making a left turn or avoiding hazards.
When riding at night, a bicycle must have a front lamp visible from 300 feet and a red light or reflector visible from 200 feet on the rear.
Yield right of way to vehicles and pedestrians when entering main road from side street, driveway or building entrance.

On average, 15 to 20 bicycles are reported stolen in Greensboro every month. Many bicycles are found by Greensboro Police but because most of them are unregistered, police officers don't know who to return them to. A registration sticker is free and can help police to return your bicycle to you if it is lost or stolen.

Click here to register your bicycle.